Matteya Lee

Matteya Lee studies violin performance at the University of British Columbia under the tutelage of Professor David Gillham.

Ever since they were young, Matteya has taken a particular interest in music. Matteya began playing the piano at the age of 4 and violin at the age of 9. Their piano experience allowed them to quickly pick up the violin and sparked their passion for music. Since then, Matteya has become an advocate for music education. From 2022 – 2023 they were the co-president of the Vancouver Youth Music Association (VYMA), a non-profit organization that taught music to children in the community for free.

Matteya has experience in leading their school orchestra as concertmaster and playing with them as a soloist. Additionally, Matteya has performed with the Lions Gate Sinfonia and the UBC Symphony Orchestra. They take a special interest in chamber music and look forward to exploring that more during their studies at UBC.