Cathy Mok

B.Ed (HKEDU), M.A. in Music (CUHK), M.A. in Music (Musicology) (Uni of York), M.Ed. in Music Education (UBC)

Cathy graduated with a Bachelor of Education with a major in Music Education (Primary school) at The Hong Kong Education University in 2014. She attained her first Master of Arts in Music degree at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017 and went on to pursue her second Master of Arts in Music degree specializing in Musicology at the University of York (United Kingdom) in 2019, supervised by Dr. Áine Sheil. Currently, Cathy is working on a Master of Education in Music Education at the University of British Columbia and is expected to graduate in May 2024.

Cathy is an experienced music teacher from Hong Kong. She began teaching piano lessons in 2008. She used to teach music in elementary schools for seven years for grades 1 to 6. She loves working with children and is passionate about providing a welcoming environment for students to learn music and grow. She believes creating a playful environment for students to learn music will inspire creativity. Apart from focusing on students’ performing techniques, she believes that nurturing students to life-long learning in music is the key for students to success.

Cathy welcomes students with different needs. She is not only a piano teacher but also a behaviour interventionist. She believes that every child is unique and has different abilities. With suitable teaching and learning approaches, everyone can enjoy making music.